Bogdan Vlădescu's profile

Fuglsang Kunst Museum - General drawings

Fuglsang Kunst Museum - General Drawings Set
Constructing Architect / Bygningskonstruktør Bachelor's Project 
UCL, Odense, Denmark
19. December 2018
The architectural brief of the project that stands at the base of what you are going to shuffle through has been offered by my former place of internship – Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter A/S. Its origins come from an architectural competition by the mentioned museum for a new building that will add to the complex that forms the museum compound and will serve as exhibition area, café and museum staff facility. As you will continue with this hand-in, after this guideline to understanding the project, the general specifications and original proposal for the building as received by myself will be available.
As from the beginning of the project, my strategy was to take the architectural proposal in cause as a starting point and to do as few layout alterations as possible. This concept came from the wish to create a project that is as close to a real life project as possible. Therefore, as you receive an architectural project that has already won and has been agreed by the customer, my responsibility as a constructing architect is to create a functional design and solutions to achieve the proposed idea. As well as for the rest of the process, I wanted to give it a more “authentic” feel, without forgetting thought the educational agenda that I also have to fulfill with this project.
As you will see, the layout, as proposed, I only did minor alterations to the layout whereas I had to do some modifications to the proposed building components in order to create the functional design that was wished upon. These alterations range from changing the structural system of the building, from a loadbearing concrete wall structure to a column and beam system in order to better accommodate the double skin façade that was taking shape in the early phases. It was clear for me for the start that the double skin will be the main object of focus of the project therefore a lot of other changes came around it. The addition of solar cell panels as a blinding system for the glass roof, glass façade access for operation and maintenance, additional foundation for the external double skin leaf, double skin roof closure, roof access ramps or stepped auditorium for a better experience and the possibility to host a larger number of people were other major changes that were implemented along the design process.
Fuglsang Kunst Museum - General drawings


Fuglsang Kunst Museum - General drawings

Constructing architect bachelor's project, general drawings set.
