A personal series of illustrations as a tribute to magical creatures from the Fantastic Beasts movies series.


iPad Pro + Procreate
6985 x 8513 pixels

The Zouwu is a monstrously large feline beast—as big as an elephant—with a striped body, scraggly mane, four fangs that curl up out of its mouth, and long sharp claws. Perhaps its most distinctive feature is its disproportionately long and ruffled multicolored tail.


iPad Pro + Procreate
6500 x 8000 pixels

Flying beast that can sense danger, and create storms as it flies. They possess three pairs of powerful wings, and have feathers that shimmer with cloud-like patterns.


iPad Pro + Procreate
5149 x 6918 pixels

The Occamy is a winged serpentine beast native to Asia.

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Fantastic Beasts

Fantastic Beasts

A personal series of illustrations as a tribute to magical creatures from the Fantastic Beasts movies series.
