Mariah Hilton's profile

Biome Garden Study Center

Any great project begins by first understanding the environment of the site in which it will be placed. I visited the site and created a site analysis diagram to emphasize problem areas on the site in which I wished to avoid and overcome with my design. I also analyzed the surrounding grid to determine how the structure would fit into the existing development.
My initial design included a green house space, a classroom and learning area, and an indoor/outdoor space. I liked the idea of having all three be interconnected so that the students and visitors utilizing the classroom area could use the green house environment to gather information and research to provide further educational opportunities and learning experiences. I paid close attention to how my design would fit into the larger context of the surrounding area and tried to place it somewhat within the existing grid. Through the use of a terrarium-like glass structure, I aimed to highlight views of the flatirons and other interesting environmental features.
After several renditions of the green house I came to my final design. I shifted the focus from framing views to the more Frank Lloyd Wright mentality of 'Form Follows Function'. I designed a more large-scale terrarium structure that incorporated the classroom features into the green house structures designed to provide various immersive study environments that accommodate different learning styles. The final design included various biome-mimicking rooms. Each space simulates a different climate allowing for students to research several biomes through experience rather than simply reading about them online or in a text book. The Biome Garden Study Center was to be targeted toward all students and staff utilizing the new research facilities on CU's East campus. Each room was a different height based around the types of plants required. I strategically organized the rooms based on height to allow for the correct amount of sun to reach each one. I also controlled the allowed amount of sun to each room through the arrangement of solid and glass panels on the exterior of the building. A native biome was included in the center of the ring of structures as an indoor/outdoor space in which visitors would be able to walk through and explore. 
Below are images of my final physical model.
The following are images of my final Rhino model.
These are the diagrams that drove my design process and led me to the final product.
Biome Garden Study Center

Biome Garden Study Center

This is a green house project completed in the Fall of 2017 during my Architecture semester at CU Boulder.
