The visualisation shows that winners are usually European, male and over fifty.

The purpose of this project was to present data about the Nobel Prize as an aid for commentators during the televised Nobel ball. ­The visualisation is meant to highlight the skewed distribution of Nobel Prizes across different demographic differences such as age, sex and place of birth. The aspiration was to create an interactive ­visualisation of information to create a foundation for the commentators to be able to have a more interesting discourse during the televised event.
The user tests were conducted by asking specific questions about certain aspects of the graphic, while recording the users eye movements with the help of an eye-tracking software. The data that was collected in this process was later compiled in a heat map and a gaze plot, which helped us get an understanding of how a viewer would typically interact with the graphic upon first interaction.

During the first question of the user test the user would look all over the graphic to get a sense about the entire picture. Later, when asked further specific questions, the eye movements grew more focused. As the user´s gaze did not linger in any irrelevant places, we deduced that the design was clear and easy to understand.
Nobel Winners

Nobel Winners

Data visualisation
