LED Phone Dock

For a university project I was tasked with designing a phone dock. The main objective was for students to learn about designing within the constraints of technology and injection moulding manufacturing techniques.

The idea was for the LED ring to change in response to battery level, phone notifications, and/or alarm status.

The concept could have used some more work, however I focused on developing my CAD, prototyping and rendering skills for this particular project.

CAD Modelling
Final In-Class Presentation Pages
Additional Work

Outside of class I remodelled the dock in Fusion 360 with a 'custom' designed PCB free from the physical constraints of the Arduino board and LED ring. I also added a weight to counterbalance the phone.
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For a university project I was tasked with designing a phone dock. I focused on developing my CAD, prototyping and rendering skills for this part Ver mais

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