Here is a screen recording of the game that I made in unity. If you want to know more about my thoughts of the results, the process etc. please scroll down
My goal was to create a branding game for the company Urban Outfitters. The game is supposed to be included in their app. The reason why I chose Urban Outfitters is because that the brand is usually known for their retro, funny and unique style, so it wouldn´t be uncommon if their app included a simple game.
As you can see in my design, the game was supposed to have an ending point in the labyrinth. In that way, it was possible to win in the game. The holes in the labyrinth was supposed to be challenging, so it would be much easier for the player to fall in the holes and loose the game. This isn´t developed in my game but I have learned from my mistakes and next time, my goal is to create a game that is more meaningful. It should be possible to know when you win and when you loose the game.
Labyrinth Game

Labyrinth Game

My first game project in unity


Creative Fields