Deconstruction of the Man is a series of drawings that question the social constructs mandating that men be positioned in roles of dominance and masculinity in society. In many ways this idea mirrors the feminist struggle to eliminate designated gender roles for women. These drawings highlight the key societal expectations of men including, but not limited to, sexuality, body image and gender roll.  Through polarizing, unexpected renderings of the male form I am highlighting the discomfort experienced upon viewing men in roles which directly oppose societal norms. 
 A drawing may mimic reality and blind viewers from seeing the truth of the medium used to create it.  In a similar way, if it has penetrated and engrained itself into society, a certain conviction may inhibit the reality of its factual foundations. An​ artist's manipulation of materials can obstruct our understanding of the true nature of that material. In a similar way, a preconceived stereotype may obstruct our vision of its factual reality. 
Each piece is created using drop cloth canvas and brightly colored string. I have provided the viewer access to my material selection by allowing each medium to exist in its accessible, raw form.  I intentionally limited the amount in which I allowed myself to manipulate both the string and the canvas (which was previously marked during its use as a drop cloth) to allow myself to recognize the true nature of the materials.   ​
Jake Wittrock


Deconstruction of the Man is a series of drawings that question the social constructs mandating that men be positioned in roles of dominance and Read More
