Amanda Moody 的个人资料

Smokefree VET videos

Smokefree VET videos

A series of animated videos produced for NCI's smokefree VET program, aimed at education vets on the proper usage of Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT).
The time frame for production was very short, and the budget very small. This ment we had to be clever with how we designed the character for the videos, as much of the information was dependent on visuals of people using  NRT.

I designed and Animated 4 of the 5 videos, and with ICF and Smokefree's guidance we able to create some of the most charming and fun videos I've worked on!

By the by, we named the blue guy 'Hank'. He looked like a Hank.

This project also won two bronze Tellys!

Produced and Directed by ICF
Design: Amanda Moody
Lead Animator: Amanda Moody
Animator: Trevor Piecham
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Smokefree VET videos

Smokefree VET videos

Character driven animated videos describing Nicotine replacement therapies
