Profil appartenant à Pablo Chakon

Render Weekly : Project Bottle Opener Alien Theme

Captured in Time:
Bottle Opener for Render Weekly

Inspiration for this one was Mercedes Benz G Class promo where a mosquito is captured in resin for millions of years, the interior of the bottle opener is filled with a alien head and a Alien Movie creature. The resin itself is supposed to come of a bit dirty in the whole process and not entirely perfect. The legs of the creature come out and let the opener grip the bottle cap with a little indent on the back you have the other side covered and it can actually serve as a bottle opener.

The first Round of Photos is done on a dramatic black finishing.

The second round is supposed to show it off in the grey background

And a third multioptics one in the dark to have some fun

Render Weekly : Project Bottle Opener Alien Theme
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Render Weekly : Project Bottle Opener Alien Theme

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