This is a great story of how a creative team can use design to not only build brand equity but also solve important product problems.
How it worked
Sometimes while people are starting a Meetup group, for a variety of reasons, they bail from the start flow without completing it (we call them "funnel bailers"). We then retarget ads (that my team designed) to them via social media, which link them back to the start flow they just bailed from. 

The problem
By sending funnel bailers back into the start flow, we weren't converting them at a high enough rate. 

If we built a landing page that was more inspiring, provided more context, and addressed users' pain points, we would convert them at a higher rate. 

The Result
The goal was a .5% lift in conversion rate. After a month of split testing, we were seeing a +30% lift over the control page, a result worth millions ($) in revenue if we simply routed all would-be-organizer traffic through this page before dropping them into the start flow.
User acquisition

User acquisition
