Little flower lab - Da Vetro collection

“To all the insignificant flowers in our everyday life”

“Little flower lab” is part of DA VETRO collection by Fabrica for PLEASE DO NOT ENTER.  The concept is creating a vase observatory, emphasizing on the beautiful blooming little flower rather than the obvious exotic big flower we always see.

“小花實驗室"是2018年與位於洛杉磯的PLEASE DO NOT ENTER 藝廊合作的義大利DA VETRO花器系列.希望藉由玻璃容器形成在家中的小型觀察所, 在兩翼的透明小杯中,可以觀察小花的綻放過程. 
This piece is going to present in exhibition “Short memories” for THE LAB in The Nomad Hotel downtown Los Angeles on 15th of March 2018.

Material: glass made by Italian artisan Massimo Lunardon 

Creative Director: Sam Baron
Design consultant: Giorgia Zanellato
photo credit: Marco Zanin 

Little flower lab - Da Vetro collection

Little flower lab - Da Vetro collection
