Smiling Spiders Sporting Silk Suits Sewn by Spry Senior Spiders 10" x 16" Multimedia Collage
Changeling 24" x 30" oil on canvas
Overtaken 24" x 30" oil on canvas
Sleeping Giant, Diptic 10" x 10" Cut paper
Wayne 14" x 16" oil on Paper
Laboratory of Thrim 42" x 36" Pen and Ink on Paper
Magic Box 9" x 12" Acrylic on Canvas
Minerals 15" x 10" watercolor
Ankylosaurus 6' x 3' Ink on Paper
The House in the Woods pages 1-4 11" x 14"(each) Pen and Ink


This is a collection of original illustrations, paintings and drawings as a part of my creative practice geared towards the fantastic.
