Identité Khmère


Identité Khmère is a tribute to Cambodia's History, born from the desire to understand and gauge the depth of the imprint that Khmer Rouge has left. This personal investigation in 3 volumes has given rise to numerous plastic and experimental research projects since 2014. 
1. Killing Fields 

The project collects slogans about the glory of the Communist Party Khmer from Henri Locard's Petit livre rouge de Pol Pot, and portraits of individuals executed during war. It underlines the absurdity of the statements facing the monstrous consequences of what the Khmer ideology used to be.
2. Identité Khmère 

Anecdotes and reflections related to family events are facing images and information gathered during my tourist trips.
The idea is to question origins by reconciling in the same object two totally opposite approaches.
3. Rallier le flot

The object is a collection of poetries, proverbs, images, collages and illustrations resulting from plastic researches.
If it is the third volume of this trilogy, it would actually be the starting point.

Thank you!
A project by Lyne Ea
Instagram: @Lyneea

Identité Khmère
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Identité Khmère

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