
Competition entry by Quist Wintermans Architekten.

In order to create a safe crossing of the Waterlandseweg and the Hoge Vaart, close to the city of Almere (NL) a connection has been created by means of a bridge for both pedestrians and cyclists. In addition to the safe accessibility of the bus stops, the recreational bike path network in Almere will also be strengthened, the connection between the Stichtsekant industrial park and the Boswachterij / Almere Hout (forrest area) will be realized and the Green Cathedral landscape artwork will be more accessible.

A gate on the border between city and landscape
There used to be only water here, the Southernsea. Now we see the bottom of it that is slowly being transformed by human hands into a new landscape. This landscape is horizontal, wide and open. You now see long straight lines of waterways and roads, the large areas in between are divided with rectangular parcel patterns and groups of trees, the polder-landscape.

With the new bicycle-footbridge we  respect the linear character of this landscape polder profile. A slender, horizontally lined bridge with a maximum view of the surroundings and on the 'Green Cathedral'. At the junction with the Hoge Vaart the bridge gets a differentiation in the construction to make the jump to the other side. A recognizable sculptural gate is created, on the border between city and landscape, which indicates the special relationship between Almere and the water.



In order to create a safe crossing of the Waterlandseweg and the Hoge Vaart, close to the city of Almere (NL) a connection has been created by me Read More
