Site Theatre
Location: Peniche, Portugal
Type: competition
Year: 2017

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players."

The theater at its core has the act, the event, the happening. It’s the place where events that have happened, are happening and could happen, merge in a single moment. Nothing has happened, is happening and could happen out of the space. Space is the core of any happening. Hence, the space in theatre is not just the physical element necessary for the act to take place but likewise the core and the soul of any theatrical theme.
The relationship event – theme – space is the core idea behind the architectural intervention. Instead of focusing on designing a classical theatric scene, this project focuses in treating the trinomial earth – water – sky and its vast potential to offer a divine, dramatic experience, regardless the need for actors, scenario and producers.
The visitor is an actor and a spectator at the same time. His journey through the space is the theatrical play itself. 
The architecture more than manifesting itself, offers the priceless experience of the natural miracle that the location displays.
This project does not provide the building, this project provides the feeling!
Site Theatre