In our fourth year of animation at NID we learnt a very curious technique known as Stereoscopy. Our alumni faculty Dawa took this course for us as he patiently explained how objects are placed in front or behind the screen creating a 3D effect. Here's the basic set of assignments we did.
Whipping out a pair of basic cyan and red glasses would be ideal right now!
A few photographs to experiment with depth and the basic concept of stereoscopy.
We were divided into three groups and asked to make a joint comic book. The first person of the group draws a sequence of events which has to be continued by the second person and so on in order to come to a complete conclusion to the story.
Mine was on day three, i continued the story to reveal that the egg which the cook was observing suspiciously hatches to reveal a giant owl.


The wonderful stereoscopy course taken by our faculty Dawa. Fourth year at National Institute of Design
