Main Studio
Social Space

Designing a stand-alone structure to provide extra teaching space to be placed within the current studio. This will improve the function and usage of the studio as well as offering formal and relaxed 
educational areas. 

Ones movement through the space directed the design outcome.  The new structure includes a large, open teaching space for the first year students, a small, quiet and well lit study room, multifunctional tutorial pods and an intimate social space. The social space is at the center of the extension and has an informal and playful design. Tiered stair-like seating is used with built in “hiding spaces” for when one needs an escape from their work. 
Another design feature is the complex structure that links the old studio space with the new, breaking into the quad and providing an interesting journey between the two levels. 

Space Within Space

Space Within Space

Designing a stand-alone structure to provide extra teaching space to be placed within the current studio. This will improve the function and usa Read More
