The Doug Fir beams for this project has had a long life before becoming a Timber Frame Staircase.  The General Contractor for the project salvaged the wood from a previous project.  They use to be beams for a large pergola.  He cleaned them up and dropped them off at my shop where we went to work designing the staircase.
The joinery was inspired by traditional Japanese joinery methods, while the floating steps lends to a nice modern effect that complements the modern aesthetic of the handrail.  The steps are mortise and tenon into the skirt board using tusk tenons held in place with a large wedge.
The final finish is a faux distressing stain to add back the rustic aged feel to the beams.

Project Location, Larkspur, Colorado
Timber Frame Staircase


Timber Frame Staircase

Timber frame Staircase built from reclaimed Dug Fir Beams. Built in a traditional through mortise and tenon with wedge methode
