In October 2017, Sophia became the first robot to receive citizenship of any country. In November 2017, Sophia was named the United Nations Development Programme's first ever Innovation Champion, and is the first non-human to be given any United Nations title. It is truly amazing that this level of artificial intelligence is even possible. The facial features and intelligence of this robot is unbelievable. I find it fascinating how quickly Sophia is able to learn from each situation. The fact that she remembers what each person says, extracts the relevant information, and is able to catalog it and use it later in conversation is amazing. I find it creepy yet intriguing at the same time that she is able to mimic human's emotions and facial expressions. It is obvious that she gets more intelligent with every encounter with a human she has. Her face is so realistic looking it is almost eery. This technology kind of frightens me. I believe Sophia has no limits to what she can do, learn, or achieve.
Sophia the Robot

Sophia the Robot

