Yakult Repostitioning Campaign

Campaign Description: 
A repositioning Campaign to attract a new younger target audience towards Yakult within the UK & ireland, in compliance to the EFSA and ASA regulations.

Print Media Concepts:

Print Media Desciption:

The print media is designed to encourage the viewer to investigate the unique benefits of yakult for themselves, since the ESFA prevents Yakult to advertise itself with the benefits in commercials directly. 

Radio Concepts:

Radio Description: 

The radio adverts will incorporate Apps and popular radio stations, including Spotify, Radio Heart and Capital FM.
Transmedia​​​​​​​ Concepts:

Transmedia Description: 

A large portion of the campaign will use social media platforms to interact directly with the target audience to start a conversation, creating organic advertising in the process.
Ambient Advertising Concepts:

Ambient Advertising Description:

 Bus ticket prints will be used as ambient advertising, since it's a media where the target audience would potentially interact with.
Yakult Campaign


Yakult Campaign
