Profilo di kevin martinezd

Love & Fear Photoshop Projects

My biggest influences are Maya Angelou, Oprah, and P.Diddy , hence, why they are in my head, showcase my love for them and how I am inspired to live by them.
Prior to actually making the Love poster in photoshop, I wanted to write down what I wanted to showcase about myself. I did not want to start with an empty canvas. So I began to write down the things I like to do that bring me happiness. As well I wrote down my biggest inspirations that inspire me to work hard and remain nice and humble to all.
With the fear project, I automatically knew what my fear was, and that is the fear of the future. I always have been afraid of the unknown and particularly death and the after life. I wanted to showcase these fears in a lighthearted way which led to me created the road to the sky , emphasizing that there was no cars on the road (no guide), and the ultimate end is heaven or the abyss. 
Love & Fear Photoshop Projects

Love & Fear Photoshop Projects


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