Fathers and Sons
Two hundred years from the birth of famous writer Ivan Turgenev is celebrated in Russia in 2018. In this case, were organized reading of the most influenced novel by the hero of the anniversary — The Fathers and Sons. People throughout the country can participate and become a part of a big video-book.

Each image is part of the narrative of the novel — this may be a fragment of a landscape or an artistic detail.
“Such were Arkady’s thoughts… but even while he was thinking, the spring regained its sway. All around lay a sea of golden green — everything, trees, bushes and grass, vibrated and stirred in gentle waves under the breath of the warm breeze; from every side the larks were pouring out their loud continuous trills; the plovers were calling as they glided over the low-lying meadows or noiselessly ran over the tufts of grass; the crows strutted about in the low spring corn, looking picturesquely black against its tender green; they disappeared in the already whitening rye, only from time to time their heads peeped out from among its misty waves…”
Fathers and Sons, translated from Russian into English by Richard Hare

Fathers and Sons

Fathers and Sons
