Profil appartenant à Ti-Ming Chu

Hinoto Studio Visual Identity


【 Hinoto Studio 丁火商行 】

「 丁火;旺而不烈‧衰而不窮 」,劉基 (劉伯溫) 在滴天髓是這樣形容的,正如廚師們燉湯時需要用小火長時間的燉煮,來讓食材的精華釋放到湯中,同時這也是為品牌的主軸概念,沒辦法像大品牌有著自動化生產線可以大量製造,但經手的每一張訂單每一件產品全都是手工製作,凸顯了品牌要傳遞的溫度及情感價值。



A candlelight may be dim, but it still provides illumination in the dark . When cooking, the low heat used when simmering allows the various tastes to mix and create a unique depth of flavor over time. We don't have the automated processes big brands possess for mass production, but everything we make is hand-made which feels more personal and holds more emotional value. In today's fast-paced world in which we may feel disconnected from our relationships, I am hoping something this small provides you warmth and reconnects you to your loved ones. After all, the detail, uniqueness, and authenticity of a handcrafted product are difficult to replicate mechanically.

Client | Hinoto Studio 丁火商行
Special Thanks | Shih-Yung Chen, Eric Liu, Kai Chun Chang

Hinoto Studio Visual Identity
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Hinoto Studio Visual Identity

Hinoto Studio Visual Identity

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