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Coffee and Contemplation

By Luuk van Dongen and Leonoor Wiljdeveld from the Netherlands

"In EYP it is easy for participants to get carried away in the atmosphere, crowd and tasks of a session. The ‘EYP-mindset’ is switched on, leaving little room for a broader view of things. It is only when the mindset is switched off for a brief moment, that a process of meaningful personal reflection can take place. It is important in EYP, and generally in life, to take a step back to look at the greater scheme of things to relate whatever experiences you have back to yourself and your life as a whole. Our project was aimed at giving participants that chance to escape from the hectic of a session and have some time alone with their thoughts. We wanted them to take a step back and do as much or as little thinking as they wanted. To do so, they were invited to join us in a tranquil space during Coffee Break and sit in silence for a few minutes. Accompanied by the soothing tunes of Spotify’s Deep Focus list, our thoughts started floating. These floating thoughts served as the basis of the interesting talks we had afterwards."
“It is really nice being able to just think for a while, also observing the people moving around behind the windows is interesting.
I usually tend to be a bit shy when introduced to a new group of people, but luckily in EYP everyone is really approachable and chill.” Ola Kowalewksa (PL)
“Right now, I am feeling relieved and also calm. I enjoy moments of silence and reflection like these, that is also why I meditate often. I really wanted for the silence to empty out my mind, and it did! That is the relief I feel.
This is my first ever session and I was quite scared at the beginning, but it turns out: people don’t bite! Still, a session is hectic, because of its many activities and places you have to go. It also takes time to feel comfortable in the group and to open up. So, having a moment for myself is really valuable.” Tekla Sharvashidze (AT)
“Contrary to most people, I feel that I can be more like myself to a certain extent in a group of people I do not know. I feel free to be silly and energetic more than I would with others. Actually opening up, however, can be harder. Luckily team-building makes that type of bonding a lot easier.” Martin Obercian (CZ)
“Everything about EYP is very new to me and it is quite overwhelming at times; there are a lot of things going on at the same time. 
Sitting here calmed me down a lot because the whole day I was just stressing about what I know and don’t know; about what other people know; if I know enough. I feel the odd one out, like the imposter syndrome: feeling like I do not belong here the same as other people. This silence just made me realise how I am just here to learn in general, with and from other people and that I should not worry.” Anna Stieberova (CZ)
“I was looking outside and thinking about the seasons. That destressed me a lot. I do not usually get a lot of time for myself, because I am focused on work and stressed for work.
I am not a fan of crowds and I can feel quite uncomfortable in groups at EYP, however I still enjoy the session if I manage to balance time for myself and working in groups.” Dominik Hána (CZ)
“Just chilling here made me really relaxed. I was thinking about relaxing places; rainbows; waterfalls- you know just good stuff. I feel I can be really myself during these few days, my committee are basically my friends.” Šimon Kranz (CZ)
“I never expected that setting up a project like this could benefit myself this much. Never at a session have I had this much time to reflect and give meaning to the days I am here. I know for myself that I am a person that gets easily carried away in groups, often given up a part of my (introverted) self to feel more included. Eager to feel acknowledged professionally as well as personally, I put a lot of my emotional energy in trying to adjust to how people perceive me in those fields. The contemplation that I have had the chance to do during this session directly resulted in me being more genuine and less eager to prove myself. Exactly this has left me with such meaningful bonds to people at the session and a feeling of peace with who I am and how I may come across.” Luuk van Dongen (NL)
Coffee and Contemplation

Project Made For

Coffee and Contemplation


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