National Student Advertising Competition Campaign Book: Ocean Spray 2018
I worked on a team of 10 people to create this fully integrated marketing campaign for Ocean Spray. On the team, I played the following roles: account executive, retail strategist, media buyer/planner. Below you can see our 2 main objectives for this campaign: 1. Generate an increase in brand equity 2. Increase household penetration.
After doing extensive primary and secondary research, we chose these 3 personas to target in our campaign.
Based on the research my team conducted and the target audience, we came up with these 4 key values to focus on throughout the campaign.
This is the golden nugget. This is the insight that molded our entire campaign.
I was the primary lead on the retail strategy. This slide and the next explain what we would do in each grocery chain across the county. However, during the presentation we talked a little more about how exactly this would work.
Below you can see how the buyer journey should work in our shopper program.
Results, results, results. We were able to measure our ROI by calculating how much each media placement would cost and how many impressions we would be able to get for that money.
The result? A Wonderfully Strange Campaign that ended up placing in the top 3 of finalists in our region.
NSAC: Ocean Spray 2018

NSAC: Ocean Spray 2018

This is the NSAC campaign book for Ocean Spray in the 2018 competition on behalf of Webster University.
