Collette Boshoff 的個人檔案

Attention of a Hyperactive Mind

This is an empathetic work on my experiences of living with ADHD (Attention Deficiency Hyperactive Disorder). There is nothing “deficient” or “disordered” in the mind of an ADHD person, their mind simply operates differently to the neurotypical brain. ADHD is the most researched mental disorder and is highly treatable. When properly managed and understood, ADHD can lead to some advantageous traits. However, despite all the research and the available treatment, there are still many who do not fully understand ADHD and some who even question whether ADHD actually exists. Through my academic career I learnt that instead of being understood as person who works and learns differently, needing a different working environment with appropriate teaching - I was instead labelled as having a learning disability that needs to go through specific and expensive testing, which involves time consuming processes, in order to qualify for accommodations that may be available, unlike the neurotypical student which the education system caters for.  
Through an immersive multimedia installation, I evoke some of my ADHD experiences within the neurotypical working environment. This environment is comprised of the associated working structures like computers and desks as well as objects used to aid short term memory such as pinboards, chalk boards, note taking and post-it note reminders. This shows how normal tasks are challenging for an atypical personality.
When the viewer sits at one of the desks placed in the centre of the installation, they are surrounded by a cacophony of distracting sounds, colours, textures and illegible texts resulting in the viewer becoming overwhelmed and needing more time to process all the elements of the exhibition that covers the walls, floors and even the ceiling. This is metaphorically putting the viewer in my place where they have the opportunity not just to better understand what its like for me to struggle with ADHD but actually feel what it the experience is like.
As an art student, I believe in the potential of art to give a poetic representation of a complex concept in a way that pushes understanding further towards empathy. ADHD is a complex and difficult neurological condition to explain and it varies from person to person. I base my exhibition on my experiences, creating my own world of mental hyperactivity and chaos that will captivate someone’s attention. Through this exhibition I aimed to help people have more empathy for those living with ADHD, acknowledging that just because someone’s brain operates differently doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with them. My exhibition is a critique on conventional institutions that cater for the neurotypical and while there are structures put in place to support atypical people, they are difficult to gain access to.
Attention. 2018.Video Montage
Remember, Don’t Forget. 2018. Stop motion Animation
Concept of Time. 2018. Video Montage
Distractions.2018. Stop motion Animation
Untitled. 2018. Suspended PVC frame, transparent nylon safety netting, crumpled paper notes and documents stitched with red string. 2m x 2m.
Untitled. 2018. Aluminium framed cork pinboard and various push pins, needles and nails. 90 x 60cm
Untitled. 2018. Laser cut Acetate sheets encased between two 3mm Perspex sheets and framed in white painted wood. 32,5 x 45cm,        45 x 32,5cm
Untitled. 2018. Laser cut malgray board painted in white acrylic. Variable dimensions.
Untitled. 2018. Wood framed black chalkboard. 73 x 56,5cm.34 x 64cm.
Untitled. 2018. Plaster casted hands painted with orange acrylic and attached to red string. Life size.
Attention of a Hyperactive Mind

Attention of a Hyperactive Mind

4th Year Graduation Exhibition
