Ivo Silva's profile

LBi London Logo Redesign

LBi London Logo Redesign
School Project for the subject of Typography (2011)
This Project was given by Professor Eduard Cehovin, from the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. We were told to present an analysis of what the company's main concepts and goals, field of work, work ethics and values, services provided and with wich brands they work with.

After this background study,  we could work on the project itself.

Final Outcome:

Bellow are all the fases my work came by, until it reached it's final form.
Fase 1 Ilustrative Logo:
Fase 2 Typo Composition:
Fase 3 Simbology:
Looking at what the initials LBi stand for, automatically made me think about round shapes to simbolize the concept of international. I started out by representing a compass to define the idea of lost and there for made some experiment representations. Personally I enjoyed the outcome, but analysing it deeply, I got to the conclusion that it didnt represent the whole company idealism. It was then that I tried to take it further, by playing with some letter compositions and representative international symbols. The final composistion came out really good in my opinion, not only because it somehow has a minimal looking aspect wich is harmonious, but also because every single aspect of it stand for the acronym of their name.
The conjugation of international symbols like the masculine symbol and the question mark wich brings us to the word lost, but upside down representes the international i you see all around the world in turism offices for example, were some of the ideas I tried to keep in mind so that even if you saw this logo for the first time, somehow you would feel associated to it straight away, as if it is familiar.
LBi London Logo Redesign

LBi London Logo Redesign

Redesigning in Slovenia...
