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Make America not embarrassing again shirt

Although it is difficult to know what the two US and Russian leaders. Make America not embarrassing again shirt. Have been discussing during their private conversation lasting more than 90 minutes. With the participation of translators without any advisers. The subsequent press conference between the two leaders severely damaged the image. And the honor of the United States. 
The American press commented. Even so, it was alleged that Donald Trump agreed to sit down. And talk to Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki. Finland on Monday, as “a victory for Putin.” At that general press conference. Trump refused to recognize the US administration’s conclusion, including the intelligence community and Congress. That Russia had intervened in the 2016 presidential election to help him win. But he backed Putin’s statements. Mr. Trump even called America “foolish” and “stupid” to let the relationship deteriorate.
Make America not embarrassing again shirt

Make America not embarrassing again shirt


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