Rene Hsu 的個人檔案

PechaKucha Night ChengDu Vol.10 LISTEN TWICE

PechaKucha Night ChengDu Vol.11 LISTEN TWICE


Many of us have listened to exciting stories of creators. In our daily life we label these creators as musicians, designers, photographers, illustrators, singers, dancers, writers, art directors, and so on. This gives us some direction, however, true creativity often lies beyond that label. What identity can be revealed if we remove the labels? In this edition, we listen carefully to the underlying stories; we ignore the existing labels and listen to these stories without any prejudice.

本期PechaKucha也将充满惊喜。我们邀请了一部分曾经出现过在PechaKucha舞台的嘉宾回到这里,让我们得以“再听一次”他的故事;同时也将介绍来自创意群体的新朋友,去发现他们作品或者故事的许多层次。当我们在“听”这个概念上加上“二次方”,讲者与听众、时间与空间的定式关系突然被打开:无论是物理意义的“再听”与“重遇”,还是此时此刻的捕捉与发现,“Listen Twice”都将带来一份温暖惊喜之旅。

PechaKucha Night Chengdu Volume 10 is all about surprise. We bring new speakers onto the stage but also invite old friends from past editions. Putting labels and prejudices aside, we try to put the speakers and their stories in a different light and let audiences perceive them in another way. We invite you to observe these creative presentations when you… listen twice.​​​​​​​

PechaKucha Night ChengDu Vol.10 LISTEN TWICE

PechaKucha Night ChengDu Vol.10 LISTEN TWICE
