I started making terrariums over the summer of 2018. They have been my personal projects that I have wanted to learn how to make for a long time. 

This was my very first terrarium, a 20 gallon long Mourning Gecko and Dart Frog bio-active vivarium. Bio-active is where the terrarium has a cycle for life inside, very much like life in the wild. There are bugs that live in the substrate that eat the decayed plant life and waste from the other living creatures. 

I started using foam insulation, adding a branch and plant holders then carving out the background how I wanted it. Then I would use silicone to attach coco fiber to the background making it look like a dirt wall. The bottom was then filled with rocks as a drainage layer then substrate on top. The plants were added and I left the terrarium alone for a few weeks. 

The pictures below are in chronological order. I added new plants in and introduced the inhabitants over time. 
The second terrarium I made was intended to be for dart frogs but I ended up changing it to house a crested gecko. I use the same process as the first tank, but this time used a 10 gallon tank.

I ended up having to take some of the more delicate plants out of the tank so the crested gecko wouldn't crush then with his weight. I then added branches in for him to climb on making it better suited for him.
The third terrarium I took a 10 gallon tank and put it upright. I wanted a taller tank rather than a longer one. I made a door out of plexi-glass and then started my original process of using insulation foam.

There is nothing living in it at the moment, but i made it for another arboreal gecko.
Terrarium Builds

Terrarium Builds

Bio-active terrarium builds using foam insulation, silicone, and coco fiber.
