I chose these two images to present in the art exhibit because I liked the colors and I think they demonstrate the theme of "photos that matter" well. I feel like they were unique, especially the picture of my dog. The art show went well. People complimented the colors of my pictures and my dog. A lot of people also asked where the pictures were taken. After the art show, I thought my pictures were more average than I had thought. I think that's because I took pictures of things that people take pictures of all the time. Some of the best pictures I saw were of more unique things than a sunset or people that edited them to make them look more unique. What I learned: that my pictures need to be more different, break out of the norm. One lady saw my picture and said, "That's the cross country girl," which I thought was funny. The comment I got most was "Your dog is so cute," but I already knew that. I went at a not very busy time, so I went and played the grand piano and the two guys in there took pictures of me playing the piano. I think the music probably added another element to the art walk. Learned how to play a new song that one of the guys told me to look up. Exciting stuff. Quote from Chris, "That made my day." Back to photography: what I learned: take more unique pictures, expiriment with different objects, editing, etc. 
Art Exhibit

Art Exhibit


Kreativa områden