Profil appartenant à Shaelyn Rich

Photographic Book Cover

Photographic Symbol Project
For this project I went around photographing ordinary objects in an extraordinary way. I did this by experimenting with light, shadows, and perspective. 

I ended up choosing a large kitchen spoon as my object because I felt like it created interesting shadows and allowed for some creativity as I continued to design a book cover. 

After choosing a symbol, I searched through classic books and plays that I could pair the symbol with. If I had chosen a classic book before doing the image, it would have largely skewed my design ideas during the photography phase.

I decided to go with Oliver Twist. This cover is a modern spin on that book and play, but I feel like the image and text accurately represent what the play in about. The symbolism of the kitchen utensil correlates with the major even of when Oliver asks for more food at the orphanage. His luck quickly spirals downwards, creating a dark, gloomy, and sad story line. The colors and lighting help portray this mood.

Here are a few drafts that I came up with before the final cover:

Photographic Book Cover
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Photographic Book Cover

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