In this brief set by Publicis for Irish Rail, we were challenged to built a campaign that would engage with specificially 1st year college students to encourage them to use rail travel with the hope of forming a habit.

The minute you finish college (or most of the time, wake up hungover) you want to be
home, because getting home on Fridays is the worst part of the week.

This insight, aligned with the brand story of “Time” and “how you choose to spend it”
informed the concept that Iarnród Éireann brings you home, before you leave the station;

To inforce this concept, an experiential stunt taking place on Fridays in September would
see a living room pop-up in popular student commuter stations. Available to travelers with a valid student ticket for that day, they can avail of a ‘home before you leave the station’.
Upstarts - Iarnród Éireann

Upstarts - Iarnród Éireann
