For my project I decided to make a cake. It is 7 inches tall and 5 inches wide.  To do this I got two bowels, one was a normal round shape, the other had a cake shape. I mixed my plaster in a bigger bucket, and then once it was all mixed I poured it into the two small bowels and waited for it to dry. It took about 30 min to dry. Once it was dry I flipped both of the bowels over and had to hit them with a knife to loosen the plaster. After I got both of my shapes out I glued them together and then I started to carve around the sides where they were glued together to try to make them flow into each other. I also carved a shape on the very top of the cake. I decided to paint my cake in bright colors. I wanted it to be kind of abstract but also paint the cake like a child would. When I was younger I would help my mom decorated cakes whenever she would make them and they always turned out a little messy when I would help her. I wanted to recreate that memory through this sculpture project.

I learned that it is very hard to carve plaster, even when it is soft. It took a long time to get the carvings done on it that I wanted.
Plaster Carving

Plaster Carving
