Alexander Mikhalev's profile

Yandex map | Street view ride (Concept)

Yandex map | Street view ride

The theory test during driving exams in driving schools shows you some abstract streets, unknown to any living soul.

Using Panoramas in Yandex.Maps, we transplant the test questions onto real streets familiar to a person. This way, it will be easier to remember traffic laws and required actions.

When moving towards intersections in the Yandex.Panorama mode, questions will start appearing on the screen, along with the asnwer choices. For instance, “You’d like to turn left. What do you do?”. Such tests will allow users to refine their knowledge of laws and required actions using real routes they will actually need.

© MADS concepting courses AD: A.Mikhalev CW: A.Mishenin, D.Pint, D.Aisina. Curators: Julia Andriyanova, Olga Grishakova 

Yandex map | Street view ride (Concept)

Project Made For

Yandex map | Street view ride (Concept)
