Profil appartenant à Leighton Walters

My Mission Statement:

My Mission Statements:
Mission Statement #1: 
Through continuous self development, I will create a better a better self so I can continuously improve lives. 

How was this developed?
By completing the questions on Ms. Mackenzie's, "Developing Your Own Personal Mission Statement" worksheet! 

It began by asking me:

List those things that are most important in your life.
Relationships (Romantic and social), work, my ethics, love, my education and, personal development!

How effective are you at keeping those things first in your life? Why?
Very, I maintain plenty/moderate contact with friends/family, I'm striving to provide every aspect of care and nourishment to my girlfriend. To portray and exercise my morals, ethics and, education. I am exercise this by attending Laurentian University for Environmental Studies, all awhile making sure I keep my girlfriend happy in every aspect of her life. 

If you were to do one thing in your professional life that would have the most positive impact, what would it be?
Working toward a sustainable future for the planet. 

If you were to do one thing in your personal life that would have the most positive impact, what would it be?
Maintain/create more loving and caring relationships with others. 

What are the people that most influenced your life?
My girlfriend, my sister, mother and, father.

What outstanding characteristics or attributes do you admire in these people?
Their support for one another, their ability ti look deeper into life's issues and personally grow from them. 

Which of these qualities do you value enough to include in your own mission statement?
I'd like to incorporate both as I believe the key to development is looking deeper into issues along with looking to others for help and support. 

Would I change my mission statement?
No, I don't believe I would because I believe that although my mission statement is rather all in compassing, It is also the right challenge for me as an individual. This is because I require room to grow. Because I've given myself this open and unreachable goal,  it gives me the ability to forever evolve in my role as a partner, in my career and, in my education. 

Below is a video I took to motivate and inspire my writing of a mission statement. 
My Mission Statement:
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My Mission Statement:

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