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V O C A B U L A R Y  —  S T E F A N  B R Ü G G E M A N N

Diseño editorial para el libro del artista visual Stefan Brüggemann, donde se presenta todo su cuerpo de obra y las diferentes series que lo componen. El lenguaje gráfico fue desarrollado en analogía con los recursos visuales recurrentes en la obra del artista, utilizando el sistemas tipográfico como signo de identidad.

Editorial design for visual artist, Stefan Brüggemann’s book, where he presents his entire body of work and the different series that compose it. The graphic language was developed in analogy with the recurrent visual resources in the artist's work, using typographic system as a sign of identity.

Fotografía — Juan Hdz


Editorial design for visual artist, Stefan Brüggemann’s book, where he presents his entire body of work and the different series that compose it. Read More
