Henkilön Phyllis Tan profiili

Modern Classic Wedding Stationery Suite

Bespoke wedding stationery suite designed for a lovely couples' destination wedding held in Sydney, Australia. 

Includes: Main invite, Information Card, Menu, Place card, Seating Chart, Welcome Signage, Guestbook

Keeping it classy and consistent with the marble-theme throughout, accompanied by rose-gold hot foil for their main invitations, and subtle watercolour botanicals for their actual day stationeries to complement the venue set-up. 


Ownership of the photographs belongs to the couple
Photo Credits: WeAreOrigami Photography, Head Photographer- David Duong
Printer: Papypress Pte Ltd

Modern Classic Wedding Stationery Suite


Modern Classic Wedding Stationery Suite

Bespoke wedding stationery suite designed for a lovely couples' destination wedding held in Sydney, Australia. 
