Artist Statement:
​​​​​​​This video project, titled Let’s Have Some Fun, is made up of found footage from various sites including YouTube and The project is backed by an audio sample found on titled OneEightFour by Blue Dot Sessions. The idea for the basis of this video project stemmed from a recent news happening that focused around the selling and ultimate destruction of a Banksy art piece. I was inspired after hearing about this and started to research painting videos, ultimately coming across Bob Ross, a prime painter of our time. I took audio and visual clips from videos of Ross and inserted them between layered ASMR art videos that are visually pleasing and edited each clip to move with the beat of the music. With some video clips, I found similar nature videos that matched the overall look and layered these on top of each other. These videos represent the lighter side of artistic culture today, with the kind-hearted and easy going words of Bob Ross, mixed in with the beauty and realness of nature.

Within Adobe PremierePro, I chose to edit video clips over each other and change the opacity to allow layering, flip, shorten, and rotate video clips, and among other effects I used I also changed the audio volume via key frames. 

Video Remix

Video Remix
