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Grand Canyon Sierra Club

Grand Canyon Sierra Club 2018 Rebrand 
Brand Statement: Here at Grand Canyon Sierra Club our main mission is to protect our environment. We protect national parks, public lands, rivers, streams, wildlife, and forests. We work to clean up the environment, especially the Grand Canyon. We work to promote reusable energy, to stop pollution and protect the environment.
Sierra Club's Grand Canyon Chapter did not have an official logo until now. Our logo depicts cleanliness as according to the mission of the Sierra Club, specifically the Grand Canyon Chapter. We work towards maintaining the clean environment the Grand Canyon offers and also to keep our pollution and environmental damage to a minimum by preventing uranium mining.
Our process consisted mostly of moving around objects and icons. This is to maximize the amount of creativity and also to depict the Grand Canyon Chapter's mission simultaneously.
Our method of market collateral is effective because billboards are largely situated in city and metropolitan areas. Since cities and their inhabitants know firsthand the unpleasantness of pollution, it provides inspiration to help fight against damage to the environment caused by humans.
Grand Canyon Sierra Club
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Grand Canyon Sierra Club

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