Design Trends 2019

Design Trends of 2019
As we prepare to enter a new year and we get excited to see what it will happen, also the graphic design world is ready to discover which colors, shapes and elements will define the mood of the year.
What is going to happen soon? Are we going to dramatically change our habits and palettes or are we keeping on the same tracks?
Let's have a look! 

1.1 Organic
How many times we thought, standing in front of an astonishing landscape or seeing the sun coloring the sky with red lights, that nature alone can create perfection? This is the true inspiration of organic design: nature and its perfectly crafted shapes
Unique, integrated and flexible, organic design will create seamless and harmonic patterns that will dance to the rythm you desire. 

Project: Dribbble Posts 2018 | Author: Lucas Berghoef
Project: OXY | Author: Illia Nesterov 
Project: LuxuryClean UI/UX iOS App | Author: Mariusz Mitkow
1.2 Minimal
Less is more and more and more. In a world which is increasingly bombing us with information, keeping it simple and clear is always a good idea to communicate effectively.
When the page is clean, everything is at its place and there is no confusion, even the mind feels more peaceful and eager to concentrate. Just like walking into a neat room.
Decluttering won't be only a good practice to tidy up your wardrobe, but also to build effective pages. 

Project: Make It Pop - Tim Tadder Photography | Author: Blane Fraser
Project: CarLens - Header Animation | Author: Mariusz Wnęk
1.3 Voice User Interfaces
"Ok, Google, what's needed for a perfect roast?" "Alexa, can you tell me when's the next train?" Vocal assistants are growing. We are still experimenting a bit, but we can already imagine that, in a few years, they will totally rule our world. That's why Voice User Interfaces are getting really big. Let's keep a close eye - or, better say ear - on these guys, for they are becoming the real blast, leading our society closer to the futuristic, robotic, sci-fi imaginary that we are expecting since the Sixties.

Project: | Author: Dannniel
Project: | Author: Michał Sambora
Project: Olly 
Project: Vehicle Audio | Author: Lindsay
Project: Voice Interface | Author: Gleb Kuznetsov✈
1.4 Realistic and flat mix
Reality is often more surprising and exciting than its representations. That's why a mix of realistic images and good old flat design is a classic-to-be of 2019. Sometimes the new comes out of what we already knew, and this combo is practically perfect with any image.
A flat background from which a realistic image seems to be generated: a simple but always effective match, just as good and as timeless as gin and tonic. 

Project: Puma sneaker shop. | Author: Anton Mikhaltsov
Project: Adidas - Online Store | Author: Luke Pachytel
Project: Fish UI | Author: Vladimir Biondic
2.1 Micro-Interactions
Researches state we averagly scroll a distance between 71.20 and 74.21 feet per day on our smartphones and tablets. Quite a lot of exercise, that definitely will find a first-row seat in the 2019 trends.
Micro-interactions are at the basis of all actions we perform every day through mobile devices and, considering that mobile is constantly growing, UX will focus a whole lot on these kind of dynamics.
Keep on scrolling in a free world!

Project: Menu Icon Animation | Author: Tran Mau Tri Tam ✪
Project: Mouse hover effect on button | Author: Ketan
Project: Switcher XLIV | Author: Oleg Frolov
Project: Message center - News | Author: Grejory

2.2 Reactive - Skeleton Screens
In the last year we’ve observed two subtle techniques being used by some developers that can transform a slow and janky web app into a highly reactive and polished product.
These techniques are important enough that they need a name: Reactive Web Design.
Substancially, Reactive Web Design is a set of techniques that can be used to build sites that always feel fast and responsive to user input, regardless of the network speed or latency.
Let's speed up!

Project: Facebook Loading | Author: Facebook
Project: Google Drive Loading | Author: Google
Project: Linkedin Loading | Author: Linkedin

2.3 Gesture-Based Control
While iPhone X in 2017 marked the beginning of buttonless phones era, the release of Google’s Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL in 2018 confirmed it as a trend. Removal of a home button from the bezel made people rethink the way they interact with smartphones. For UX designers, however, this change became quite a challenge.

The main reason why Apple and then Google decided to go for the gesture-based navigation is the tempting opportunity to save more screen space for the apps. Yet, since gesture-driven interfaces also mean hidden controls, a user may feel confused. And this may lead to a poor user experience.

Based on the gestures, UX designers worked on rethinking the interaction with the new smartphone generations and in this 2019 we will find more and more confirmations of this incredible change.

Project: Profile Interactions - Shopping Interactions - Start Screen Animations | Author: UI8
Project: Calendar - Bitcoin send flow Interaction | Author: Johny vino™

2.4 Thumb Friendly Experience
The ongoing 2018 saw the rise of 18:9 ratio panels over 16:9 ratio in display of smartphones. This means more display and less bezel, which is in track to attain futuristic 100% screen to body ratio, no more going to be a fantasy. The average display size of smartphones launched in 2018 ranges from 5.8" to 6.2", thanks to the bezels restriction. Twist in the tale is: bezels are being trimmed and display sizes are being increased, so the compact factor doesn’t exist in the modern smartphone world, giving little gymnastics to your palm and fingers, where you are forced sometimes to use both hands to reach certain parts of the app.

The ideal solution to offer is to surface fundamental controls of the app at the bottom, a solution that is already being adapted by major apps, which realized how handy it is. Apple kickstarted this approach in their apps several years ago, stating what is now becoming criterion.

Reach what you want. Content and features at your fingertips, so you can get them faster.
Interacting with your phone just feels natural.

Project: GIF of the Tap Bar Concept | Author: Sergey Valiukh
Project: Tab bar interaction with animated icons | Author: Ketan
Project: Samsung One UI | Author: SAMSUNG

3.1 Gradient days aren't over!
After the big comeback of 2018, gradients want to say to the world that they're back to stay. Flat design won't kick them out again for now, and matching colors to fade them one into the other seems to be one big challenge for designers in 2019.
If nicely displayed, gradients become a powerful weapon to use when in need of pumping up the color vibe. "True colors are beautiful like a rainbow"!

Project: Super Gradient | Author: Song hojong

3.2 Holographic effect / color
The Force of the Hologram knows no limits. From their âge d'or​​​​​​​ in the Seventies until 2019, the path was long and full of changes. The contemporary version of the holographic effect plays with scales and depths, giving new dimensions to the use of colors and transforming every single interference into a universe of creative opportunities.
May the Force be with you!

Project: Universal Motion Gradient  | Author: BestServedBold
Project: Skull Fever | Author: MadeByStudioJQ
Project: End of Humanity | Author: Vasjen Katro
Project: I L N P / boutique cosmetics | Marcin Usarek
3.3 Bold Colors
Already seen in summer 2018, bold colors are meant to gift us with a vibrant and multicolored season. Being brave in combining colors is a must: don't be afraid to dare and build eye-catching compositions on the verge of psychedelic results! Being Living Coral the color of the year, we can already tell that it is going to be a fearless, intense 2019

Project: Mohawk Maker Quarterly 15: Materials  | Author: Hybrid Design
Project: Awwwards - Celebrating Simplicity.   | Author: Not Real
Project: Loudhead | Author: Vladimir Lifanov | Aslamova Viktoriya
4.1 Variable Fonts
Who needs "a single font file that behaves like multiple fonts"? But of course, everybody does!
A revolutionary choice that is going to make the life of every designer so much easier, responding to any need with an effort and time saving enormous advantage.
Variable fonts are definitely one of the 2019 trends we needed the most and we can assume that they will stay for a long time with us. And they're more than welcome to stay!

Project: Onassis Cultural Centre 2017-2018 | Author: Beetroot Design
Project: Songs And The City - Typography Billboards | Hello This Is Kae
5.1 Out of this world compositions

When realistic photography meets imaginary objects, the world that comes out of this encounter is meant to be a true Wonderland
See how compositions get crazier and crazier, generating universes of possibilities colliding with each other and increasingly expanding themselves in a galaxy of magic.  
A true challenge for designers whose imagination knows no limits.

Project: Nosense | Author: Roman Bratschi
Project: Proxima B | Author: Jerico Santander
Project: Free time | Author: Santi Zoraidez
Project: Hover | Author: BÜRO UFHO .
6.1 See and feel
After cinematic looks became a must for video-makers, we are going to assist to a new era of fluent and fluid images, where shapes meet and greet seamlessly, turning into something different with a liquid transformation. The music beats the rythm of the images, while colors expand into each other.
Where the representation is more realistic and less abstract, we are going to see clean, modular images with harmonic combination of shapes. A feeling of natural transitions and perfect integration of sight and sound. 

Project:  Adobe Remix Animation | Author: Vasjen Katro
Project: Microsoft Office 365 | Author: Nando Costa
Project: Chromatic : Film | Author: Shane Griffin
Project: REEL 2018 | Author: XPLAI studio

7.1 Stick to the core
Lines. Basic colors. Clean fonts. We don't need more than this to define brands nowadays. The times of complex logos with crowded mixes of colors and shapes is long gone and contemporary branding chooses the way of minimal design. Subtracting seems to be the only way to uniquely distinguish a strong brand identity. Once again, less is more and the core of a brand must be immediately clear to consumers. 

Project: Run Mfg | January Moon | Author: Perky Bros
8.1 Bright Gradient mesh
New packages want to be colorful and appealing. That's why they are choosing increasingly gradient mesh use, to enhance the possibilities of color gradients.
We were used to single colored packagings with different color fonts, but the use of bright color gradients makes boxes shine of a new light: in stores, shelves are now more vibrant and they are lurking us into buying!

Project: Then I Met You 
Project: Penhaligon's | Author: Qinglu Guo
Project: Performance Lab | Author: Robot Food
8.2 Type + color and go!
Another dash of color, this time flat, is to be found on colored labels that perfectly match when combined with bold fonts on white background.
The color itself seem to represent the mood the product wants to transmit, and the clearness guaranteed by the use of a bold font communicates correctly what the identity of the product is.
Cool, appealing, pleasent to see and at the same time simple, neat, clear. What a perfect combo!

Project: Sprinkle | Author: Nick Edlin
Project: Rushmore | Author: Cristie Stevens
Project: O'care | Author: Nika Levitskaya
Project: Smartly 
9.1 Isometric Illustrations
When 2 dimensions are enough to represent 3. We have seen quite a bit of isometric illustrations lately and we are going to see even more in the next year. 
Technical and engineering drawing techniques are now wearing a new dress and becoming a big opportunity for graphic design, photograhpy and illustrations. 

Project: Desk | The work Mill | F is for Foliage | Author: Muti
9.2 90’s Retro
90's where awsome, let's say it loud. And back then young designers of today were growing up and feeling the influence of movies, music, advs, why not bringing those years back and letting creatives free to play with their childhood and teenagehood imaginary?
But what makes something so '90s? Bold colors, of course, and abstract shapes, but we can also take a look at fashion trends (grungy shirts, baggy sweaters) to borrow some ideas for patterns and palettes.
And to other ages revivals, for now, we can olny say: "Hasta la vista, baby!"

Project: Invisible Inc. | Author: Cesar St. Martin
Project: Rem | Author: Romain Trystram
9.3 Simple shape
Basic design is never wrong. Illustrations made of simple shapes, clear lines, clean composition are never out to date and always effective, especially in ADV, but generally they contribute in creating a neat, balanced sense of composition. And to communicate something, there is no better way than simplicity!

Project: Storytime | Author: Gal Shir
Project: Cuore di Panna | Author: Olimpia Zagnoli
Project: Women's March: Mad Kitty | Author: Alice Lee
9.4 Funny and colorful
Colors, colors, colors. We are now aware of the fact that 2019 will see a color explosion everywhere. Images will vibrate with shades of different, bright, bold colors and vivid sensations.
Shapes become funny and blink eyes to ironic moods, and a colorful wave, being it flat or made of different gradients, submerges everything.
Color power!

Project: Plant Power​​​​​​​ | Author: Design Lads
Project: Flora | Author: Cristian Malagón Garcia
10.1 Duetone studio shoots
When color is not enough (and if you've arrived here, probably you already know that in this 2019 it is never enough), color jumps on color for a bi-tonal effect that will become one of the most exciting trends over the next months.  A study of light and shadow using color on color and colored gels to bounce light wrapping around incredible subjects. The power of the color enhances the energy of subject itself and every photo becomes a unique experience, a magical encounter of shades and shapes

Project: Portraits in Color​​​​​​​ | Author: Tim Tadder

Copywriter: Camilla Maccaferri


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Design Trends 2019