Profil appartenant à Chanél van der Merwe

Piece by Piece Exhibition: You're in the Way (2018)

No End Contemporary Art Space (November: Piece by Piece Group Exhibition) 
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Chanél van der Merwe
You’re in the way (2018)
Digital Collage

Inspired by Investigations of a dog written by Franz Kafta

“Who today can still speak of youth in any meaningful way? They were the true young dogs, but unfortunately their only ambition was to become old dogs, something they could fail at, as every subsequent generation proves, and ours the latest, proves best of all”

This piece explores where dogs would be if humans weren’t standing in the way of their dreams and ambitions.
Piece by Piece Exhibition: You're in the Way (2018)
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Piece by Piece Exhibition: You're in the Way (2018)

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