The Brief
I created these artworks as part of my work with a national educational program for young adults on cyber security called Cyber Discovery. The spot illustrations are for a game challenge called "Dr Marmoset" - the technicalities of the challenge are beyond me to explain eloquently and without giving away spoilers.

The Answer
The originals for these illustrations were created in Sketch, I exported the SVGs into Illustrator then Photoshop to re-work. Firstly to add some texture and give dimension to the colour which gave the artwork some more of my illustration style. 

Normally I hand-draw my shapes with the free-form pen tool, precisely so my illustration doesn't look too digital. So working with the vector shapes was interesting in the way that there was even more depth created. 
Thank You!
Dr Marmoset.


Dr Marmoset.

Spot illustrations featuring different animals and landscapes.
