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ZESTER - Mini Hand Grinder for Spices

   Tradition  Redefined
The following Project is the product of a 3 day workshop organized by POC Lab, IDC - IIT Bombay in collaboration with Godrej.
Packed Powdered Spices loose their aroma and essential oils in a short period of time. ZESTER provides instant freshly ground spice which adds the original taste to the food, it has been designed specifically for the food lovers.
Initial ideations were done to come up with lot of ideas, which were later sorted down to  concepts. Taking the ideas forward two concepts were made, out of one was Zester.
The concept for ZESTER was derived from India's traditional spice grinder Mortar and pestle. There are two forces that acts in a normal mortar and pestle; one - rotational force, two - the vertical force. The same concept has been tried to implement here in a mechanized way. 
The above video is a simulation of the mechanism of the grinder. 
ZESTER - Mini Hand Grinder for Spices

ZESTER - Mini Hand Grinder for Spices
