Hamaca own'lai - Design and development

To make Hamaca Own Lai possible, we cooperated with Taiwan ICDF and CONAMYPE teams for the development of coworking system, in which this product is born to improve the productive chains of textile, ceramics and local candy.
From the pineapple farms, use of 3D printing technology, metallurgical mold testing, testing of ceramic molds and production of the outer cover of hammock fabric and dyed fabric with indigo.
Indigo is an ancestral element of our culture, this color represents the spiritual peace of each person.
The shape of our packaging represents the sweetness of a nation, through the stylization of the unique way of preserving the “panela” with “tuza” in El Salvador. 
Hamaca Own Lai cookies are a special handmade product of excellent quality made by Salvadoran hands, this product represents cultural values and identity traits in its production and presentation.
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Hamaca own'lai - Design and development