Profil von Juliana Gómez

Dissertation, Design for Responsible Innovation

Mémoire (Dissertation) for Master's Thesis
Design for Responsible Innovation - L'École de Design, Nantes

The Attention Defficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is often known as a powerful desease that affects children’s development and is treated with dangerous medicines and boring therapies. By applying alternative methods, psychologists and pedagogists have discovered that there is no such a disease, instead, the ADHD has to do with a lack of rules, tolerance and motivation. Every child has different skills and by knowing themselves they will be able to explore them and develop the passion and commitment that would make them active members in a community. All the reaserch both academic and field, leads a design project that aims to enrich and improve the learning experience.

Disciplines for the development of the document: Editorial design 
Presented in 2016
Dissertation, Design for Responsible Innovation

Dissertation, Design for Responsible Innovation
