Ambient app design

Ambient is a white noise app I designed to translate the auditory and visual experience of being in a library to your phone. This idea was born out of a conversation I had about how people don't just go to the library for total silence, they go for the environment and the quiet atmospheric sounds of a library, like pages turning or people studying. 

This app was based on the St. Louis Central Library. Using the app is simple: you pick a room in the library and listen to the ambient sounds collected from that particular room while you study or relax. Clicking "pause" stops the sounds. Clicking "take a break" gives you a suggestion for a simple meditative exercise based on breathing, stretching, or getting up and walking, and is mainly for people who need a break from work or studying.
Ambient app

Ambient app

Ambient is a white noise mobile app that brings the visual and auditory experience of studying in a library to your phone. It is based on the St. Læs mere
