A book design project that required me to combine two sets of unrelated text. The first was a set text, entitled 'Virtues of Design', by Gui Bonsiepe, and the second was a text of my own choosing, a set of poems by Emily Dickinson.

The design of this book juxtaposes elements of lightness, with elements of grandeur, whilst allowing each text to stand on its own as a feature. The main text adheres to a grid structure, but contains smaller details and designs features, whereas the poems by Dickinson flow in unison and are not bound but formulaic grid structure. The continuity of the smaller elements, like flourishes, and block colour provoke the two texts into cohesion.

Produced at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, in March 2013.
Virtues of Design

Virtues of Design

BRIEF: To combine and design two sets of text, in one book design. The first was a set text, entitled 'Virtues of Design', by Gui Bonsiepe, and 자세히 보기
