AI System - UE4
This is an AI system I created that can be used for any 3D shooter project in Unreal. It utilizes the Blackboard and Behavior Tree system within UE4. Once the AI spots the player it will begin firing on them. When the player moves out of sight, the AI will then move to the last known location of the player. This highlights my ability to program AI and use of Blackboards and Behavior trees in UE4.

The behavior tree is simple but with enough variation between tasks to make it look less "robotic". The entire process included creating blueprints for the Blackboard, Behavior tree, an AI Character, and the AI Controller. Tasks and decorators were created to provide the AI with instructions.

Before I started this project I had a very basic understanding of how to program AI outside of C++, which is where I got my start. I learned quite a bit about how blueprints are set up for AI and how each task interacts with the AI. Getting the AI to work initially was my greatest challenge. This project was improved in another project that implemented multiplayer capability.
AI Behavior - In game
Blackboard behavior for AI system
Creation Date: November 28th, 2018
Software Used: Unreal Engine 4
AI System - UE4

AI System - UE4

A basic AI system for a 3D shooter. The AI will fire at the player and once it loses sight of the player, it will move to the last known location Read More
