We Design Create - Transmedia Campaign
We Design Create is a transmedia project where I created a brand, 'We Design Create' and envisioned how it would translate across 3 media platforms, interactive, screen and print, becoming a cohesive campaign. The idea originated with a previous project, a lettering zine featuring Kate Hursthouse. For this project I envisioned the creation of a book featuring all the artists from a podcast set up under the same brand. The logo is cute, playful and a bit understated. It uses lowercase initials in black text and red background to pop. The Campaign Catering to an audience of artists and designers, the podcast is a series of interviews with different artists every week. The podcast has an overarching theme ie. typography, illustration, women in type, etc. The interviews would not only cove the artists work but also business and marketing strategies. The interviews would be used to construct the individual artists chapter in the book which would be completed after the podcast series finishes. In this way the podcast is just showing an interview that would have happened anyway in the research for the book. The winner of the give-away would be announced during the podcast to encourage the most views/listens, the prize, an A4 or A3 poster of the artists work created for the Design Create podcast. 
Mapping out the interaction within and between the interactive, print and screen mediums
Throughout the creation of the Design Create campaign I collated and refined a Mood Board
Collector Cards and Packaging
Design Create